Debunking the “one shot” myth in the start-up world
Contributed by Jeremy Boeh, a mentor with The Jonas Project.
Argue with me all you want but I am firm in my belief that if you are an entrepreneur you can join the military and vice versa. The skills, HUSTLE and execution required for each run parallel to each other.
“PFC Boeh you have one shot to prove that you should be promoted and earn respect around here!”
That is what my first team leader told me. Almost 8 years later, I look back on it as a Lieutenant, thinking man was he completely wrong. I did not get one shot; in fact, I got multiple shots. I learned from each and kept driving on.
There is no better place to squash this “you only get one shot” notion than on the firing line. You are given not just one round to zero and qualify with the weapon that will later save you and your buddy’s life, but you are given multiple.
For example, if you zero in 9 rounds (5.556mm ball ammunition) you are left with 40 to qualify from various positions taking MULTIPLE SHOTS.
It is the exact same in your everyday life – be it as an entrepreneur, a designer, a coder, Co-founder, CTO, creative… regardless of whatever hat you would like to wear on any given day/project you will always have another shot at making it better, doing it bigger or going harder.
You are the only one who determines the amount of shots you get.
Stop pressuring yourself to win the war in one battle. Strategically position yourself on the main avenue of approach. You have the unique power to create as many shots at VC meetings, funding and overall personal success as it takes.